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Wonderful Life lyrics

Performer Estelle

Wonderful Life song lyrics by Estelle

Wonderful Life is a song in English

What makes my day slow down
Watching the rain and now I'm not on time
I'm bout to lay down and cry
Boss on the other line
Had a fight with my man
Cause he swears I'm lying yo him constantly
Causing drama like you won't believe
Just one day
I wanna wake up and say

[ Chorus ]

Hey I'm winning today
My smile is ok
At the end of the line
No thorns in my side
Somebody remind me
It's a wonderful life (x3)

It's not that i never cared
But my position here
Is just alright
And then they tell me I lost my job
But I won't give up
It just hasn't been my day at all
But I'm about to get this manicure
As my back is up and up against the wall
I pray one day
That I can wake up and say

[ Chorus ]

And if you feel how I feel
You know what to do
Sing it with me come on
La da da da da da da
Just one day ohh

By : Estelle
Lyrics credits :
lyrics added by AntonyGaga

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