paroles de chanson / Bee Gees parole / Big Chance lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Big Chance

Interprète Bee Gees

Paroles de la chanson Big Chance par Bee Gees lyrics officiel

Big Chance est une chanson en Anglais

People in their pride believe it's easier for them to leave
Their problems in the arms of others, running to their mothers
Lasting love is such a funny thing
When you're in love you're on the wings
You're not in love, it's good for you
'cause you can do the things you want to do

It's you big chance, to take it baby
It's you big chance, you'll make it baby

When you're high and mighty you'll remember how I loved you
You'll be thinkin' how you hurt me when I needed you beside me
In the night is such a lonely time
I dream of you and that's a sign
It means that I am still a fool
And I am still so much in love with you

It's your big chance, so take it baby
It's your big chance, don't fake it baby

Big chance
Hot chance
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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