paroles de chanson / Deadmau5 parole / Porcelain lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Porcelain

Interprète Deadmau5

Paroles de la chanson Porcelain par Deadmau5 lyrics

Porcelain est une chanson en Anglais

Our motions how they storm together, just to drive back into place.
The wind so cold, the crisp dark weather, was sent to end time or space.
Believe in there's another winters, daytime eats your night.
So why do we sing songs together?
Till they turnnnn off the light.
Our moment lost in oceans, maybe, like a strung out porcelain baby.
It seems so soon, that we'll be at the edge of the moon.
I know there's nothing now or never, every moment's time forever.
It seems so soon, that we'll be at the edge of the moon, (edge of the moon, edge of the moon).
Our motions how they storm together, just to drive back into place.
The wind so cold, the crisp dark weather, was sent to end time or space.
Our moment lost in oceans, maybe, like a strung out porcelain baby.
It seems so soom, that we'll be at the edge of the moon.
I know there's nothing now or never, every moment's time forever.
It seems so soon,that we'll be at the edge of the moon.
Our motions how they storm together, just to drive back into place.
The wind so cold, the crisp dark weather, was sent to end time or space,
(Time or space, time or space)....
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par Twinkle

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