paroles de chanson / End Of Green parole / Final Resistance lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Final Resistance

Interprète End Of Green

Paroles de la chanson Final Resistance par End Of Green lyrics

Final Resistance est une chanson en Anglais

Here in my house down by the river
that's were i hide, waiting in shivers
here in my house live the saint and the killer
jeckyll and hyde, the rivers of liquor
here in your house, down by my river
tragedy flows, my aching liver
here in my house down by the river
that's were i hide, waiting in shivers
i can break through the stair on the airway and heal my very last wounds
i am the final resistance
gimme one last chance
with these tears in my eyes kill the beast
i'm alive
you can break me in parts
i'm going down
with all shattering lies and the air burns tonight
you can't break me in parts
i'm gonna cut you down
this is the last day in my life
goodbye cruel world
i am survived
these are my last words, should scatter the skies
me and the scars in the airways tonight
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par Twinkle

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