paroles de chanson / Frank Edwards parole / Changing Lives lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Changing Lives

Interprètes Don MoenFrank Edwards

Paroles de la chanson Changing Lives par Frank Edwards lyrics officiel

Changing Lives est une chanson en Anglais

Someone ask a question
Do you believe in this miracles
How do you open blind eyes
How can a lame man start walking
What is the source of your strength

Yes I believe in this miracles
I open the blind eyes by faith
God is the source of my strength
He's the same yesterday and today
My God is still changing lives
He's still around doing good
He is the source of my strength
My God is still changing lives
Changing lives
Changing lives
Changing lives
My God is still changing lives

If any man is in Christ
He is a new creation
Old things have passed away
All things have become new

Changing lives
Changing lives
Changing lives
My God is still changing lives
My God is still changing lives
My God is still changing lives
He's still around doing good
He's still around doing good
He is the source of your strength
My God is still changing lives
My God is still changing lives
My God is still changing lives
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Frank Edwards

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