paroles de chanson / Heart parole / City's Burning lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de City's Burning

Interprète Heart

Paroles de la chanson City's Burning par Heart lyrics officiel

City's Burning est une chanson en Anglais

Young man is angry, girl is afraid
She want to get high and he want to get paid

She had to jump up, he had to sit down
When they heard those words about the trouble downtown

He had to shout, she had to cry
He wanted to kill and she wanted to die

City's burning
Cities burning

City's burning
Cities burning

Grab for the dial, tune out the fright
But he turns left and she turns right
She look for love songs, he buys the drive
But all they can pull is bad news in tonight

City's burning
Cities burning

City's burning
Cities burning

Ooh mama, tell me what to do?
Aah daddy you better pull us through
Ooh mama, mama, mama, tell me what to do?
Daddy, you better pull us through

Young man is angry, girl is afraid
He want to get high and she want to get paid

City's burning
Cities burning

City's burning
Cities burning, burning, burning, burning

City's burning
Cities burning

City's burning, burning, burning, burning, burning, ohh
Cities burning, burning, burning
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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