paroles de chanson / Joe Cocker parole / Long As I Can See The Light lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Long As I Can See The Light

Interprète Joe Cocker

Paroles de la chanson Long As I Can See The Light par Joe Cocker lyrics officiel

Long As I Can See The Light est une chanson en Anglais

Put a candle in the window
‘Cause I feel I’ve got to move
Though I’m goin’, goin’
I’ll be comin’ home soon
Long as I can see the light

Pack my bags and let's get moving
‘Cause I’m bound to drift a while
Though I’m gone, I’m gone
You don’t have to worry about me, no
Long as I can see the light

Guess, I’ve got that old travelin’ bone
Thought I feelin’, leavin’ alone
But I won’t
Won’t be losin’ my way, no
Long as I can see the light

Won’t you play that thing for me right now?

Put a candle in the window
‘Cause I feel I’ve got to move
‘Cause I’m goin’, goin’
I’ll be coming home soon
Long as I can see the light

Long as I can see the light
Long as I can see the light
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: John Cameron Fogerty

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