paroles de chanson / Kansas parole / Don't Take Your Love Away lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Don't Take Your Love Away

Interprète Kansas

Paroles de la chanson Don't Take Your Love Away par Kansas lyrics officiel

Don't Take Your Love Away est une chanson en Anglais

You can take away the money
Take away the flame
Take away the things that I possess

You can take all my dreams away
The things that I need to survive
You can have it all

Don't ever, don't ever take your love away
Don't ever, don't ever take your love away
Don't ever, don't ever take your love away
Don't, take your love away

The years are passing by me
Like a fast train that's here and gone
It's gone
Where they go, I just don't know

But I don't care
'Cause there's something 'round the bend
And it's waiting there for me
So don't ever take it away

'Cause nothing means a thing unless you're here
To live without your love's my only fear
I just want to let you know
I can't make it on my own


Never before have I needed something so bad
I never thought I'd be willing to give up so much
The way that I feel when I look in your eyes, I want you
So don't take away what I need more than anything else

Don't take your love away
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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