paroles de chanson / Lawrence Collins parole / Camille - Part. 2 lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Camille - Part. 2

Interprète Lawrence Collins

Paroles de la chanson Camille - Part. 2 par Lawrence Collins lyrics

Camille - Part. 2 est une chanson en Anglais

I close my eyes
And try to shut it out,
But all I see is her face -
An angel, a devil,
A life cut short for no other reason
Than life itself.
It doesn’t get more real than this -
It doesn’t get more real than…
It doesn’t get more real than this -

We hold hands, we tremble,
We hug and we kiss,
But the pain just runs on
Unleashed, vicious,
Cutting my soul like a cold winter’s gust
On naked skin…
When it’s hot outside…
It doesn’t get more real than this -
It doesn’t get more real than…

I yearn for the release of dreams -
No justice, no pain,
No reason and no shame,
Only a babe
running free on a sandy beach-
She’s just out of reach…

So we turn to each other
And seek comfort in love,
Reason in chaos
As we try to put the pieces back together
Because, at the end of the day,
The glimpse of a dream
is better than no dream at all.

And that Babe
Will forever run her mischief,
Will never age,
Will forever bring us warmth
Even on the coldest nights…
Even on the coldest nights…
(I say) Fuck reality.

It doesn’t get more real than this -
It doesn’t get more real than…
I burn for her,
I bleed for them,
I fear for us
As unwritten futures and magical pasts
Blur together
in a frenzied dance for her…
Only to be wiped away
In the blink of an eye.
Why do we need to hurt to feel real ?
Why do we need to hurt to feel real ?
Why do we need to hurt to feel real.
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par LCBclub

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