paroles de chanson / Lifehouse parole / Good Enough lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Good Enough

Interprète Lifehouse

Paroles de la chanson Good Enough par Lifehouse lyrics officiel

Good Enough est une chanson en Anglais

It seems the more we talk
The less I have to say
Let's put our differences aside

I wanted to make you proud
But I just got in your way
I found a place that I can hide

Now everything is changing
But I still feel the same
Are we running out of time

What do I have to do
To try to make you see
That this is who I am
And it's all that I can be

I tried to find myself
Looking inside your eyes
You were all that I wanted to be

There must be something else
Behind all the lies
That you wanted me to believe

Now everyone is saying
That I should find a way
To leave it all behind

What do I have to do
To try and make you see
That this is who I am
And it's all that I can be

What do I have to do

(I tried to find myself, looking inside your eyes, you were all that I wanted to be)

To try to make you see
Trying to be like you
Isn't good enough for me

And I won't let you go
And I won't let you down
I won't give you up
Don't you give up on me now

What do I have to do
To try and make you see
That this is who I am
And this is all that I can be

What do I have to do

(I tried to find myself, looking inside your eyes, you were all that I wanted to be)

To try to make you see
Trying to be like you
Wasn't good enough for me
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteur: Jason Michael Wade
Copyright: Walt Disney Music Company

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