paroles de chanson / Madness parole / Time lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Time

Interprète Madness

Paroles de la chanson Time par Madness lyrics officiel

Time est une chanson en Anglais

When I consider how my life is spent
They cry but I know that everything is heaven sent
But why do people lie when all they want is truth at their tables

The sky is looking very blue today
It's so fine I'd agree with every word you say about it
It must be said it doesn't mean much at all

Time, you make changes
Time, you're that ages
Time is walking with you by your side

There's no reason that we should complain
In the night everybody looks the same
It's so sad but we don't seem to be going forward at all

Time, time, time, time

Time, you make changes
Time, you're that ages
Time is walking with you by your side
Time is walking with you by your side

Come on time

Time, you make changes
Time, you're that ages
Time is walking with you by your side

Time, gentlemen please time
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