paroles de chanson / Manilla Road parole / Taken By Storm lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Taken By Storm

Interprète Manilla Road

Paroles de la chanson Taken By Storm par Manilla Road lyrics officiel

Taken By Storm est une chanson en Anglais

Black horizon
Darker than night
The Forest echoes
Tales of the fight

A Holy Warchild
Come to The Stone
To worship wisdom
Usurp The Throne

Fire in his eyes
Like flames of war
Burning the skies
Taken by storm

Armies of Hell
Devouring life
Knights of The Well
Stand strong and fight

On nightmares' wings
Atland shall die
The Tyrant King
Opens The Eye

Black Magik steel
Come to the land
Sons of The Wheel
Make their last stand
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