paroles de chanson / Melody Gardot parole / Deep Within The Corners Of My Mind lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Deep Within The Corners Of My Mind

Interprète Melody Gardot

Paroles de la chanson Deep Within The Corners Of My Mind par Melody Gardot lyrics officiel

Deep Within The Corners Of My Mind est une chanson en Anglais

Deep within the corners of my mind
I keep a memory of your faces
And I only pull it out when I long for your embrace

Deep within the corners of my mind
I'm haunted by your smile
As it promises me joys like a journey to a tropic isle
It's not hard to see what you do to me
It's like a page right out of fist time wave
Though I try to fight it all the word you write
Leave me standing in the starry robe in some tragic lovers place

But deep within the corners of my mind
I'm praying secretly that eventually in time
There'll be a place for you and me

That eventually in time
There'll be a place for you and me

There'll be a place for you and me

Deep within the corners of my mind
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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