paroles de chanson / Michelle Branch parole / Second Chances lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Second Chances

Interprète Michelle Branch

Paroles de la chanson Second Chances par Michelle Branch lyrics officiel

Second Chances est une chanson en Anglais

Sometimes we get second chances
And sometimes we never make it past the first
It really makes you wonder why somethings happen when they do
It really makes me wonder why it wasn't me instead of you

And when you say, "It doesn't matter," well it does
And all it takes is a mistake to eat your words
Just one more time I think I'll drive on home tonight

Sometimes we never see the warning
And the voice in your head tells you not to go
It really makes me wonder why somethings happen when they do
It really makes me wonder why it wasn't me instead of you

And when you say, "It doesn't matter," well it does
And all it takes is a mistake to eat your words
Just one more time I think I'll drive on home tonight

And when you look it's gone, it's too late to turn around
And it's another day facing yourself and the things that you've done

And when you say, "It doesn't matter," well it does
And all it takes is a mistake to eat your words
Just one more time I think I'll drive on home tonight
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