paroles de chanson / My Chemical Romance parole / Astro Zombies lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Astro Zombies

Interprète My Chemical Romance

Paroles de la chanson Astro Zombies par My Chemical Romance lyrics officiel

Astro Zombies est une chanson en Anglais

Oh, all I want to know
All I want

With just a touch of my burning hand
I sent my astro zombies to rape this land
Prime directive, exterminate
The whole human race

And your face just drops in a pile of flesh
And then your heart, heart pounds
Till it pumps in death
Prime directive, exterminate
Whatever stands left

And all I wanted to say
And all I gotta do
Who'd I do this for
Hey, me or you

And all I wanted to say
And all I gotta do
Who'd I do this for
Hey, me or you

Oh, all I want to know
All I want

With just a touch of my burning hand
Gonna live my life to destroy your world
Prime directive, exterminate
The whole fuckin' race

And your face just drops in a pile of flesh
And your heart, heart pounds
Till it pumps in death
Prime directive, exterminate
The whole fuckin' race

All I wanted to say
And all I gotta do
Who'd I do this for
Hey, me or you

All I wanted to say
And all I gotta do
Who'd I do this for
Hey, me or you

Oh, all I want to know
All I want
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.

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