paroles de chanson / Nashville Cast parole / Bitter Memory lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Bitter Memory

Interprètes Nashville CastConnie Britton

Paroles de la chanson Bitter Memory par Nashville Cast lyrics officiel

Bitter Memory est une chanson en Anglais

Go away, bitter memory
I think it finally
You stay away from me
But I was wrong
You're still strong
Go away, bitter memory
Bitter memory

Go away, bitter memory
You keep on bothering me
Why won't you let me be
You make me cry
Why won't you die
Go away, bitter memory
Bitter memory

Bitter memory, you're the thorn in my side
Bitter memory, you're the trouble on my mind
Find a new place to call home
You're not welcome anymore
Let me show you the door, bitter memory

Go away, bitter memory
Why do you have to be
A source of misery
Leave me alone
Let me alone
Go away, bitter memory

Bitter memory, you're the thorn in my side
Bitter memory, you're the trouble on my mind
Find a new place to call home
You're not welcome anymore
Let me show you the door, bitter memory

Bitter memory, you're the thorn in my side
Bitter memory, you're the trouble on my mind
Find a new place to call home
You're not welcome anymore
Let me show you the door, bitter memory

Bitter memory
Bitter memory
Bitter memory
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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