paroles de chanson / Neil Diamond parole / 'Til You've Tried Love lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de 'Til You've Tried Love

Interprète Neil Diamond

Paroles de la chanson 'Til You've Tried Love par Neil Diamond lyrics officiel

'Til You've Tried Love est une chanson en Anglais

Did you ever want to know
How it feels to be in love
To be really in love-ove
Did you ever want to feel the caress
And say baby you were sent from above-ove

Well I'm a-telling you
It's not so hard to do
And it'll carry you through
Listen to what I say you've got to

Give a little lovin
'Cause I know what I'm talkin'
Try a little kissin'
You don't know what you're missin'
Till my friend, my friend you've tried love

If you decide to call it a day
And find another love that suit you way ay
But before she remember
You'll be burned in December
If you don't listen to what I say

Well I'm a-telling you
It's not so hard to do
And it'll carry you through
Listen to what I say you've got to

Give a little lovin
'Cause I know what I'm talkin'
Try a little kissin'
You don't know what you're missin'
Till my friend, my friend you've tried love

Well I'm a-telling you
It's not so hard to do
And it'll carry you through
Listen to what I say you've got to

Give a little lovin
'Cause I know what I'm talkin'
Try a little kissin'
You don't know what you're missin'
Till my friend, my friend you've tried love

Till my friend, my friend you've tried love
Till my friend, my friend you've tried love
Till my friend, my friend you've tried love
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