paroles de chanson / Paradise Lost parole / The Glorious And lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de The Glorious And

Interprète Paradise Lost

Paroles de la chanson The Glorious And par Paradise Lost lyrics

The Glorious And est une chanson en Anglais

Faithless unrest, only the end we can see
Fading distress all innocence we conceive
Faithless martyrs now at the end we only pretend we can see
Fading darker now at the end the death you intended will be
Haze at sunset
On this surrendered frontier
Frayed and unblessed
Only a yearning through tears
Fading numbers knowing the chance throws light on this endless ordeal
Taking from us now at the end
A depth of repentance revealed
Faithless father now at the end pretend I can see
For a glory ascends, surrounds us
For a glory ascends, devours us
For the glorious end
Predatory intent devours us
Pretend I can see
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par PlyrChloe508

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