paroles de chanson / Priscilla Ahn parole / Rain lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Rain

Interprète Priscilla Ahn

Paroles de la chanson Rain par Priscilla Ahn lyrics officiel

Rain est une chanson en Anglais

Well, it's raining
And it's pouring.
And my old man, well,
he is snoring.
Rainy day, stay.

Well, my brother
He builds a puzzle.
On the blue rug
With lazy bubbles.
Rainy day, please stay.

Rain, rain, don't go away.
The sun can come back
Another day.
Rainy day, please stay.

Well, my mother
She doesn't bother
With the dishes
In the kitchen
Rainy day, please stay.

Well, now I am
3,000 miles from
A rainy day with
My dearest loved ones.

Father's dreaming of the fall.
Mother covers with the shall.
Brother's in the yellow hall, painting pictures on the wall.
I am listening on the floor, to sounds I used to know.
Rain is falling to the ground, praying all the hopes
are found.

Rain, rain, don't go away.
the sun can come back,
Another day.
Rain, please stay.

Rain, rain, rain, rain...
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