paroles de chanson / Ryan Adams parole / Wasteland lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Wasteland

Interprètes Ryan AdamsRyan Adams & the Cardinals

Paroles de la chanson Wasteland par Ryan Adams lyrics officiel

Wasteland est une chanson en Anglais

There's evidence now that somebody's lying
And thing to work out, but nobody's trying
I wish I didn't care anymore
As if you cared what I was feeling

Look at all the star, watch them colliding
These stars, fighting in the secret wars

Underneath the dirt, whatever I was hiding
Is turning into dust, the dust is still rising
I wish I didn't care anymore
But you know I care so little

Look at all the star, watch them colliding
These stars, fighting in the secret wars
Before, before it was inviting
Now I'm bored, you don't impress me
And I find you slightly terrifying

It's you wasteland, you have it
It's you wasteland, you have it
It's you wasteland, you have it
It's you wasteland, you have it
It's you wasteland, you have it
It's you wasteland, you have it
It's you wasteland, you have it
It's you wasteland, you have it

It's yours (Whatever you take is supposed to make you happy)
It's yours (Whatever you take is supposed to make you happy)
It's yours (Whatever you take is supposed to make you happy)
It's yours (Until you're all alone, and you don't know what you take it for)
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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