paroles de chanson / Something Corporate parole / This Broken Heart lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de This Broken Heart

Interprète Something Corporate

Paroles de la chanson This Broken Heart par Something Corporate lyrics officiel

This Broken Heart est une chanson en Anglais

You woke up in pieces
from making these changes
and holding the ransom
won't write you an anthem
on the outside im trying
cause inside im dying

this broken heart was stronger then
now i cant stand to part with this
this broken heart

you took me for granted
now i've changed you haven't
it wont be so easy to sell me this feeling

this broken heart was stronger than
the words i wish you never meant
this broken heart

cant make this right
you see on my face
that im not gonna be alright
not tonight
you can read all my letters
but that wont mean things are fine
not this time
cause you gave away
all the secrets of you and i

this broken heart was stronger then
now i cant stand to part with this
this broken heart was stronger than
the words i wish you never meant
this broken heart
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