paroles de chanson / Superbus parole / On Monday lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de On Monday

Interprète Superbus

Paroles de la chanson On Monday par Superbus lyrics officiel

On Monday est une chanson en Anglais

I pack my bag, put it on my shoulders
Take my scarf, and kiss my mother
It's still dark outside
It's so early, I rub my eyes
I say Hi to the baker, I say Hi
I meet my friends at the corner of the street
And we talk and we laugh like every morning

On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday too
I'll always remember you

I sit down in the classroom
And look though the window
Open my bag, but I'm too slow
The teacher is yelling at me again for nothing
I don't care the bells ringing
I say Hi to the baker, I say Hi
I meet my friends at the corner of the street
And we talk and we laugh like every evening

On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday too
I'll always remember you

I say bye to the baker, I say bye
I've lost my friends at the corner of the street
And I cry, and I cry like every morning

On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday too
I'll always remember you
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
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