paroles de chanson / Tegan And Sara parole / Underwater lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Underwater

Interprète Tegan And Sara

Paroles de la chanson Underwater par Tegan And Sara lyrics officiel

Underwater est une chanson en Anglais

Underwater I wrote drowning
I use to be such good, good swimmer
But for now my head is in the clouds
I'm a silly love song

A twisted elbow crush song
I would go to jail with only boys
Just to prove I was as tough as you
And when I get out for good behavior

I'll be writing love songs
Silly banging knee songs
I'm a car crash
But I have to get up

And every morning it's a clean up
All I need is time, time to love you
The forecast is grey
But we're staying inside

You must live close
I've seen you drive by
I left signs on the lawn
Where have they gone?

Did you take them to tease me?
To follow or lead me?
You're a silly love song
A verse chorus and such

Some silly love song
A verse chorus and such
I'm a car crash
But I have to get up

And every morning it's a cleanup
All I need is time, time to love you
All I need is time
All I need is time

All I need is time, time to love you
All I need is time
All I need is time
All I need is time, time to love you

Baby all I need is time, time to love you
Time to love you
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Sara Keirsten Quin, Tegan Rain Quin
Copyright: Anthem Entertainment, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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