paroles de chanson / Texas parole / Fearing These Days lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Fearing These Days

Interprète Texas

Paroles de la chanson Fearing These Days par Texas lyrics officiel

Fearing These Days est une chanson en Anglais

You only see me when I laugh
Never hear me when I cry
I'm tired of fearing these days
I'm sitting here on my own
Talking to myself, alone
And I'm tired of fearing these days
All I need was an explanation
Why you treat me so mean
You always play the part with no hesitation
That's the other side I've seen
Please don't fail me
Don't fail me
Please don't let me fall
If all my nightmares come today
Will you hide them far away?
'Cause I'm tired of fearing these days
It'll wash away the past and pain
Let me start from new again
I'm tried of fearing these days
You always hit me when there is no reason
To feel superior to me
When all I want is a confrontation
So I can find a release
Please don't fail me
Don't fail me
Please don't let me fall
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