paroles de chanson / The 3rd And The Mortal parole / Silently I Surrender lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Silently I Surrender

Interprète The 3rd And The Mortal

Paroles de la chanson Silently I Surrender par The 3rd And The Mortal lyrics officiel

Silently I Surrender est une chanson en Anglais

Escape the carven paths
Listen to the voices in your head
Hear them whisper
In their ancient tongues
Let them lead you
Out of Darkness
Into the new-born Daylight
As your journey will begin
Hopelessness enters my life
Forces slowly turn the knife
My wound wide open
Is there somewhere for me to heal
Cruel shadows haunt my mind
Is the Abyss the rescue I find
Somebody cure me
Silently I surrender
The lack of hope is dragging me under
I walk away
To seek comfort in the dark
In my dark shelter I lay
I feel my Spirit is flying away
This is the last chance
For my soul to heal
Then awakes me the Voices in my head & quot
Your wound has healed, we have heard what you've said
We will guide you
You shall no longer fear & quot
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