paroles de chanson / The Glee Project parole / Piece Of My Heart lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Piece Of My Heart

Interprète The Glee Project

Paroles de la chanson Piece Of My Heart par The Glee Project lyrics

Piece Of My Heart est une chanson en Anglais

Didn't i make you feel like you were the only man, yeah, an' didn't i give you nearly everything that a woman possibly can ? honey, you know i did! and each time i tell myself that i, well i've just had enough, but i'm gonna show you, baby, that a woman can be tough. I said come on, come on, come on, come on and take it, take another little piece of my heart now, baby, break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah. hey! have another little piece of my heart now, baby, yeah. you know you got it if it makes you feel good
Crédits parole :
paroles ajoutées par arno1dos3

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