paroles de chanson / The Kooks parole / Something To Say lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Something To Say

Interprète The Kooks

Paroles de la chanson Something To Say par The Kooks lyrics officiel

Something To Say est une chanson en Anglais

Oh lady come on over
Oh won't you please hold my hand
Because nothing seems to work
In my head anymore, oh
I give you one two three four

Because I mean something to say
Before the feeling goes away
And you’re out of my life
Oh you jump into his

Oh lady won't you come over
And we could have some fun
Because nothing seems to work
In my bed anymore, oh
I give you one two three four

Because I mean something to say
Before the feeling goes away
And you're out of my life
Oh you jump into his

Oh oh oh oh oh love love love love love
Oh oh oh oh oh i give you one two three four

Because I mean something to say
Before the feeling goes away
And you're out of my life
Oh you jump into his

Oh oh oh oh na na na na
Yeah yeah yeah!

We all we all have something to say
We all we all have something to say
We all we all have something to say
We all we all have something to say
We all we all have something to say
We all we all have something to say
We all we all have something to say
We all we all have something to say
Droits parole : paroles officielles sous licence Lyricfind respectant le droit d'auteur.
Reproduction des paroles interdite sans autorisation.
Auteurs: Luke Pritchard, Max Rafferty, Paul Garred
Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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