paroles de chanson / Thrice parole / Freedom lyrics  | ENin English

Paroles de Freedom

Interprète Thrice

Paroles de la chanson Freedom par Thrice lyrics officiel

Freedom est une chanson en Anglais

No time for anything at all
no time to reason or question direction
but I won't let myself fall
I'll just keep pushing 'til the end
I hope that I will find my way [x2]
when it's all been said and done
I really think you'll miss it once it's gone
as time passes I get scared
where will I end up and will it be good enough
will it work itself out
or will I be stuck here once again
I'll keep my eyes open wide
and try not to blink
it's just a matter of knowing where to look
cause sometimes things fall apart,
my walls crumble on me,
but I'll keep trying, and trying,
and fighting until I am free
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