song lyrics / AFI / Key Lime Pie lyrics  | FRen Français

Key Lime Pie lyrics

Performer AFI

Key Lime Pie song lyrics by AFI official

Key Lime Pie is a song in English

Key lime pie, infatuation that shouldn't exist
Key lime pie, indulge and I am in your debt
Key lime pie, inspire me with foolish love
Key lime pie, your green filling makes me inept

Flaky crust is what I lust
Your fresh lime scent is a must
Take me with coffee, never with tea
You're the pie that pleases me
People gawk, "Is that pie green?"
Ask for a bite, "Fuck you, I'm mean"

Key lime pie, cheapest hooker I've ever had
Key lime pie, last slice gleaming, if you're out I'm mad
Key lime pie, poke fun and laugh and jest
Key lime pie, don't bother me, digest key lime pie
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