song lyrics / A Static Lullaby / The Jesus Haircut lyrics  | FRen Français

The Jesus Haircut lyrics

Performer A Static Lullaby

The Jesus Haircut song lyrics by A Static Lullaby official

The Jesus Haircut is a song in English

It's time we took this holiday
We thank you and send our regards
The beach is great, this time of year
Fourth of June we see
The first sight of snow we'll sing
And this was beautiful (and this is beautiful)
And this was beautiful (and this is beautiful)

And you must feel (that this is a better way of dying)
We trusted you (we trusted you, we trusted you!)

Praise! Fuck! Destroy!
Praise! Fuck! Destroy!
Praise! Fuck! Destroy!
Praise! Fuck! Destroy!

And maybe we'll say you lost your tongue
Behind your fatal lies
We know your starving for
The chance to make this right
A silent song that's left of your
Important stories
They honest have let you go
For breach of your contract

And you must feel (that this is a better way of dying)
We trusted you (we trusted you, we trusted you!)

Praise! Fuck! Destroy!
Praise! Fuck! Destroy!
Praise! Fuck! Destroy!
Praise! Fuck! Destroy!

We trusted you
I trusted you

We've all played the part
We've all played the part
Played the part
Played the part
Played the part
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