song lyrics / Abandon / Under Fire lyrics  | FRen Français

Under Fire lyrics

Performer Abandon

Under Fire song lyrics by Abandon

Under Fire is a song in English

They try to trip us up
They try to make us doubt
Make us question what this life’s about
Our minds are criminal
They try to steal the soul
This moments pivotal who we chose to follow

We are under fire but we know, we know
The truth in our hearts
We are under fire but we hold, we hold
The proof of who you are
And though we haven’t seen your face
We know that we walk by faith
We are under fire
But it only burns all doubt away

They tell us we’re all fools
That our minds are weak
How can we put our hope in someone we can’t see
They come with ridicule
to say that you’re a fake
but we are not alone, you endured the same

We’re chasing what’s real
We’re chasing what’s true
We know its God
We know its You
We know its God
It’s got to be You
Lyrics credits :
lyrics added by gege31

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