song lyrics / Adriam Oliveira / Fear lyrics  | FRen Français

Fear lyrics

Performer Adriam Oliveira

Fear song lyrics by Adriam Oliveira official

Fear is a song in Portuguese

Our friendship
that made me miss
to our laughter
who became distant
our kisses
that we brought fears
your hug
that took a piece of me
a piece of my heart.
I didn't want to do it all wrong
I didn't want to take that action
that way
but my love, you weren't the same anymore
it was complicated and different
where even I didn't understand
in which I didn't even understand
I don't see you on the streets anymore
I don't hear your laugh anymore.
and it will all be my fault?!
where have you been?
my beloved I want to solve
I called you tonight
you did not answer me
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