song lyrics / Alex Goot / Crawling Back lyrics  | FRen Français

Crawling Back lyrics

Performer Alex Goot

Crawling Back song lyrics by Alex Goot official

Crawling Back is a song in English

I tried to leave you once but
I could not get away
This conversation has gone straight to hell
You were the one that changed
You changed everything
My world is upside down and I don't know how
I'm crawling back to you
I'm crawling back to you
I'm crawling back to you can't deny
I'm crawling back to you
(I'm crawling back to you)
I'm crawling back to you again, oh
I'm crawling back to you
(I'm crawling back to you)
You play so innocent but
I know you're thinking it
I'll never know what you
Do behind closed doors
It might be foreign for a while but
I've lived this way before
I just wish that I could say
I don't need you anymore
I'm crawling back to you
I'm crawling back to you
I'm crawling back to you can't deny
I'm crawling back to you
(I'm crawling back to you)
I'm crawling back to you again, oh
I'm crawling back to you
(I'm crawling back to you)
You call me up in the middle of the night
To tell how you've been feeling lately, oh
I told me I was through the pouring rain
Nothing stops me anymore
I'm crawling back to you
I'm crawling back to you again, oh
I'm crawling back to you
(I'm crawling back to you)
I'm crawling back to you
(I'm crawling back to you)
I'm crawling back to you again, oh
I'm crawling back to you
(I'm crawling back to you)
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