song lyrics / Charles Aznavour / IT'S HEAVEN lyrics  | FRen Français

IT'S HEAVEN lyrics

Performer Charles Aznavour

IT'S HEAVEN song lyrics by Charles Aznavour official

IT'S HEAVEN is a song in English

Lazing by the stream with you
Sharing every thought with you
How I love you love
It's heaven
Lying by the fire glow
Feeling good and speaking low
Touch me I take off
It's heaven
Following the dancing light
Made by the flames in the night
On your sensual skin
With one finger
It's less than a sin
For my hunger
Knowing that you want me to
There's nothing I wouldn't do
Flying in the blue
With you
It's heaven
Following the dancing light
Made by the flames in the night
On your sensual skin
With one finger
It's less than a sin
For my hunger
Knowing that you want me to
There's nothing I wouldn't do
Flying in the blue
With you
It's heaven
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Writers: Charles AZNAVOUR, Sheila MILLER

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