song lyrics / Chunk! NO, Captain Chunk! / Taking Chances lyrics  | FRen Français

Taking Chances lyrics

Performer Chunk! NO, Captain Chunk!

Taking Chances song lyrics by Chunk! NO, Captain Chunk! official

Taking Chances is a song in English

I've seen so many lives being wasted and slowly everyday
The colors turn grey
They say "we already missed our time so it's useless that you try to leave
your dreams behind"

Open your mind
Open your ears
I know you're trapped by all your fears
And I won't let them slow you down
We don't have the time

'Cause I won't wait to see turning useless days to useless years
We are not already done
Let's stay on the run
I'm here to take the best of what I'm living and I don't plan on losing it
I take my chance every single night and every single day before we start
fading away

Don't you having anything to stand for
So how can you just wait?
It's time to change your fate
You can always be so much better than what you've always been
That's what I believe in
Never give up on what you want

It's been too late for you to change your fate
'Cause I won't wait to see turning useless days to useless years
You know you'll never be the same
If you take your chance and make yourself a name
I know you're not already done
Let's stay on the run

Open your mind
Open your ears
I know you're trapped by all your fears
And I won't let them slow you down
We don't have the time

I'm here to take the best of what I'm living and I don't plan on losing it
I take my chance every single night and every single day before we start
fading away

That's everything we've never tried
All the fears that We'll never fight
To every chance that we have missed
The regrets we'll forever keep
That's everything we've never tried
All the fears that We'll never fight
To every chance that we have missed
The regrets we'll forever keep

I've seen so many lives being wasted and slowly everyday
The time's fading away
They say we already made our mark
So now let us rewind
Leave our past behind
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Writers: Bert Andre Poncet, Eric Christian Poncet, Jonathan Bruno Donnaes, Mathias Rigal, Paul Cordebard

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