song lyrics / Damien Rice / Tongue lyrics  | FRen Français

Tongue lyrics

Performer Damien Rice

Tongue song lyrics by Damien Rice official

Tongue is a song in English

This one's for you
This one's for me
This one's for you
What must I be?
I've got a nervous feeling, over you
I got someone to love me, oh so true

I need to feel hope
I need to feel young again
I need to be bold
Start losing my tongue again
They can laugh as I cry
They can cut 'til I bleed
I ain't losing
'Cause this one's for me

This one's for you
This one's for me
This one's for you
Tell me what the fuck must I be for you
I've got a nervous feeling over you
I've got someone to love me, oh so true

But I need to feel hope
And I need to feel young again
And I need to be bold
Start using my tongue again
They can laugh as I cry
They can cut 'til I bleed
I ain't losing
'Cause this one's for me
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