song lyrics / Elis / Child lyrics  | FRen Français

Child lyrics

Performer Elis

Child song lyrics by Elis official

Child is a song in English

A child is born
Out of the womb of a mother
Who didn't want it
It happened in a night
Of drunken passion and no thought
About the consequence

Two bodies cling together
Drunken loneliness
Two bodies cling together
Blind passion
Two bodies cling together

And then it starts to grow
This little baby child
This unwanted life
Don't you know it has to prove
During its whole life
That it has a right to exist

Two bodies cling together
Mindless heat
Two bodies cling together
Cruel lust
Two bodies cling together

And then it starts to grow
This little baby child
This unwanted life
Don't you know it has to prove
During its whole life
That it has a right to exist

A child is born
Out of the womb of a mother
Who didn't want it
It happened in a night
Of drunken passion and no thought
About the consequence
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Copyright: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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