song lyrics / Frank Black / Fazer Eyes lyrics  | FRen Français

Fazer Eyes lyrics

Performer Frank Black

Fazer Eyes song lyrics by Frank Black official

Fazer Eyes is a song in English

Staring on into night
Complete synapse
I switched on something I did not see
May I leave? I believe I might
This sweet collapse
Baby, I cannot get me free
When you've got your fazer eyes on me

Driving on into where I do not know
Shores that once were by the sea
I'm seeing something that is not there
It's so fast it's slow
And it's playing with my memory
And you've got your fazer eyes on me
Accustomed to the frequency of glow, oh yeah
You won't be frightened of the real thing
After the show
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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