song lyrics / Groundation / By All Means lyrics  | FRen Français

By All Means lyrics

Performer Groundation

By All Means song lyrics by Groundation

By All Means is a song in English

By all means, by any means necessary
Oh man let it ring out in harmony
By all means, by any means necessary
Once again it’s the same old lullaby
By all means, by any means necessary
Oh, do we need a war to fight ?
I know that it’s never really going to stop
Until we see Iraq, Iraq, Iraq all around the world

By all means, by any means necessary
Oh and let it ring out in harmony
By all means, by any means necessary

Lawmaker, heartbreaker
You dealing in the darkness and think it light
Hotstepper, stargazer
We rally for food and not to fight

By all means, by any means necessary
Oh man let it ring out in harmony
By all means, by any means necessary
Though today you may hide, someday you and I,
Someday, but you are stuck in your ways
And once again we have to take shelter from the world
Lyrics credits :
lyrics added by Kob52

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