song lyrics / Louis Armstrong / Red Sails in the Sunset lyrics  | FRen Français

Red Sails in the Sunset lyrics

Performer Louis Armstrong

Red Sails in the Sunset song lyrics by Louis Armstrong official

Red Sails in the Sunset is a song in English

Red, oh

Red sails in the sunset, way out on the sea
Oh, carry my loved one home safely to me, baby
He sailed at the dawning; all the day I've been blue, baby
Red sails in the sunset, I'm trusting in you

Swift wings you must borrow
Make straight for the shore
We marry tomorrow
And he goes sailing no more

Red sails in the sunset, baby, way out on the sea
Oh, carry my loved one home safely to me
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Writers: Hugh Williams, James Kennedy
Copyright: Reservoir Media Management, Inc.

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