song lyrics / Madness / My Girl lyrics  | FRen Français

My Girl lyrics

Performer Madness

My Girl song lyrics by Madness official

My Girl is a song in English

Madness, madness, they call it madness
Madness, madness, they call it madness
It's plain to see
That is what they mean to me
Madness, madness, they call it gladness, ha-ha

Madness, madness, they call it madness
Madness, madness, they call it madness
I'm about to explain
That someone is losing their brain
Madness, madness, I call it gladness, yee-ha-ha-ha

Propaganda ministers
Propaganda ministers
I've a-got a heavy due
I'm gonna walk all over you

Madness, madness, they call it madness
Well if this is madness
Then I know I'm filled with gladness
It's gonna be rougher
It's gonna be tougher
And I won't be the one who's gonna suffer
Oh no, I won't be the one who's gonna suffer
You are gonna be the one, you
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
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Copyright: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group

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