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Trapped By Love lyrics

Performer Manu Chao

Trapped By Love song lyrics by Manu Chao official

Trapped By Love is a song in English

(Permanece a la escucha)

(Permanece a la escucha)

When you come I'm feelin' better
Sky is blue, you say forever
Ooh, ooh
I've been trapped by love

Then you go, so change the weather
Sky is gray, bit more than ever
Ooh, ooh
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love

So my beer now taste so bitter
But I can't find anything sweeter
Ooh, ooh
I've been trapped by love

Then you come and I feel better
See my eyes they're full of water
Then again you go
So change the weather

Askin' for the next together
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love

(Permanece a la escucha)

When you come I'm feelin' better
Sky is blue, you say forever
Ooh, ooh
I've been trapped by love

Then you come and I feel better
See my eyes they're full of water
Then again you go
So change the weather

(Permanece a la escucha)

Askin' for the next together
Askin' for the next together
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love
I've been trapped by love
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Writer: Jose-Manuel Chao

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