song lyrics / Marilyn Monroe / Lazy lyrics  | FRen Français

Lazy lyrics

Performer Marilyn Monroe

Lazy song lyrics by Marilyn Monroe official

Lazy is a song in English

(Here we go!)
No sorry,not tonight
(That was quick!).

Shhh! Yes?
(Jim? Jack? Jeffrey?)
No,it's just that I'm languid.
(Well,how do you do?It's nice to know ya).

Physically I'm in pretty good shape
(brother,you could say that again!)
It's my attitude that's passive,
You know you're the only one I love

(That's all, he's hooked).
Bye now
(Bye now)

(Where are we again?)
No sorry,not tonight
(She's languid).
Shhh! Quiet!

(Bill, Bobby, Bruce?)
No,it's just that I'm supine
(That's avoided-I know).
Physically I'm in pretty good shape

(See? she did say it again).
But mentally I'm comatose
(Quick boy, the dictionary!)
You know you're the only one I love!

(New fish, same hook)
Bye now
(Bye now).
(She won't get up,she won't go out, baby! what's it all about?

Well,in simple english I'm lazy,I want to be lazy,
I long to be out in the sun, with no work to be done.
Under that awning they call the sky,

Stretching and yawning, and let the world go drifting by,
I wouldn't peep through the deep tangled wildwood,counting sheep,
'Til I sleep like a child would,
With a great big valise full of books to read, where it's peaceful.

While I'm killin' time, being lazy.
Wrong number,wrong number..
Oh Sam,you're sweet!
With a great big valise full of books to read,where it's peaceful.

While I'm killin' time, being lazy!
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