song lyrics / Michael Jackson / Who's Looking For a Lover lyrics  | FRen Français

Who's Looking For a Lover lyrics

Performer Michael Jackson

Who's Looking For a Lover song lyrics by Michael Jackson official

Who's Looking For a Lover is a song in English

Who's looking for a lover?
Who's looking for a lover?

Early this morning while i was yawning
I got a warning thought
Somebody near me who doesn't fear me
Knows things i ain't been taught

Somebody older somebody bolder
Wants to get hold of me yeah
Somebody smart wants my young heart
Our will is done our will is done

Who's looking for a lover?
Who'll pick me out from all the crowd?
What thrills will i discover?
Will i be scared or do myself proud?

Who's looking for a lover?
Who's looking for a lover?

Maybe some honey just wants my money
Hey that's a funny tought
Someone appealing could set me reeling
And get my feeling caught

Somebody older somebody bolder
Wants to get hold of me yeah
Somebody strong help me belong
Answer my song answer my song

Who's looking for a lover?
Who wants to know what i can do?
Who's looking for a lover?
I'm looking everywhere for you

Somebody older somebody bolder
Wants to get hold of me yeah
Somebody strong help me belong
Answer my song answer my song

Who's looking for a lover?
Who'll pick me out from all the crowd?
What thrills will i discover?
Will i be scared or do myself proud?
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Copyright: BOURNE CO.

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