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I Pledge My Love lyrics

Performer Peaches

I Pledge My Love song lyrics by Peaches official

I Pledge My Love is a song in English

Always together, together forever
Always together forever
I will love you till the day I die
I know this now and my love won't run dry
You came along my life has begun
Two hearts are now beating as though they were one
Like the stars that make the night so bright
You shine on me with a love that's so right
A love that is lasting
A love that's so pure
Each time I feel it
It makes me more sure
Like a flower in a fairy tale I blossomed out
From a source that won't fall, love that is lasting
And love that is pure and each time I feel it
It makes me more sure

I know with all my heart we'll never part
For this is the day when our love comes alive
And I mean what I say as I stand here sayin
I pledge my love to you
I pledge my love is true
I pledge my life to you
I do my dear
I do my dear

Like a river finds the deep blue sea
Love took your hand
And led you to me
This is the us that I'll never forget
Both sparkling with love
But happy we met

I know with all my heart we'll never part
For this is the day when our love comes alive
And I mean what I say and I want you to know that
I pledge my love to you
I pledge my love is true
I pledge my life to you
I do my dear
I do my dear

I'm so proud to have you by my side
You be my strength and I'll be your guide
You are the one you're a dream that is real
Heaven has sent you it's love that I feel

I know with all my heart we'll never part
For this is the day when our love comes alive
And I mean what I say if somebody should ask me
I pledge my love to you
I pledge my love is true
I pledge my life to you
I do my dear
I do my dear, I do
I pledge my love to you
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