song lyrics / Powerwolf / Catholic In The Morning... Satanist At Night lyrics  | FRen Français

Catholic In The Morning... Satanist At Night lyrics

Performer Powerwolf

Catholic In The Morning... Satanist At Night song lyrics by Powerwolf official

Catholic In The Morning... Satanist At Night is a song in English

All we pray, although we can't decide
Catholic in the morning satanist at night
All we pray, although we can't decide
Catholic in the morning satanist at night

Invocate the crucified
To hell he went, My testament
Onward into war we ride
We raise the cross, the sacrament
In fire born, my soul is now divided
My mind is torn, it cannot be decided now

All we pray, although we can't decide
Catholic in the morning satanist at night

Agnus totus deus diabolu
Cantus nocturnus infernum aeternus

Loyal side by side we stand
With blood we run the war routine
All we wait for your command the son of God
The Nazarene

Hail the storm, the altar is divided
The bible torn it cannot be decided now no!

Agnus totus deus diabolu
Cantus nocturnus infernum aeternus
Halleluja (Yes) Catholic! (No) Catholic!
(Yes) Catholic! (No) Satanist!
(Yes) Catholic! (No) Catholic!
(Yes) Catholic! (No) Satanist!

(Yes) Catholic! (No) Catholic!
(Yes) Catholic! (No)

Warriors in holy fight
And no, we need no therapist
Celebrate the wolf tonight
And proud, we raise the metal fist

I heard the sound, and now I am enlightened
(tonight) my god is found
For all I need in life is loud loud!

Raise your horns the volume to the right
Heavy in the morning metal in the night!

All we pray, for metal we will die
Metal in the morning metal in the night
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Writer: Benjamin Buss
Copyright: BMG Rights Management

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