song lyrics / Prong / Reinvestigate lyrics  | FRen Français

Reinvestigate lyrics

Performer Prong

Reinvestigate song lyrics by Prong official

Reinvestigate is a song in English

Release yourself into the gap
Following the law of detachment
Not enough time to adapt
Got to know when to take on the moment

Know your destination
With anticipation
Total termination
With determination

Interpreting all the abstract
Staying in touch with the present
Yet knowing when it's best to attack
But staying in a place of acceptance

Power of intention
To a new dimension
Centering attention
Matter of invention

In life, visualize life
Advice, visualize life

Know your correlation
To imagination
Power of intention
Power of ascension

Know your destination
With anticipation
No retaliation
Total termination
With determination

In life, visualize life
Advice, visualize life
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Writers: Alexei David Rodriguez, Antonio Campos, Thomas Michael Victor
Copyright: Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

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