song lyrics / Rufus Wainwright / Baby lyrics  | FRen Français

Baby lyrics

Performer Rufus Wainwright

Baby song lyrics by Rufus Wainwright official

Baby is a song in English

Nothing so bright
Nothing so smooth
Nothing so pure
As my baby

All of my life
Days into night
All I did dream was my baby

Until the day
Darkness entwined
With silver eyes
Was my baby staring at me

And since then I can't see straight
And since then my smile's been fake
Funny I know, the troubles I've seen
But through one eye only that's clear

If you bring along your needles
Then I'll bring my sharpened pencils
And draw one more comic tragedy
My baby
So call up the child players
From madam we'll rent the parlor
And dance to death
Till I can't see
My baby
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Writer: Martha Wainwright
Copyright: Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

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