song lyrics / Skylar Grey / Dance Without You lyrics  | FRen Français

Dance Without You lyrics

Performer Skylar Grey

Dance Without You song lyrics by Skylar Grey official

Dance Without You is a song in English

So serious, all the time
I feel restrained.
I feel confined.
I cannot take your whispering, your whispering

I wanna dance without you
For once just let me lose myself
I wanna dance without you
For once just let me lose myself
For once let me lose myself

So insecure, so uptight
I break my neck, to be polite
I cannot take your whispering, your whispering

I wanna dance without you
For once just let me lose myself
I wanna dance without you
For once just let me lose myself
For once let me lose myself

How can I make history, with your choreography?
Take your hands off me, Take your hands off me
Before I suffocate

I wanna dance without you
For once just let me lose myself
I wanna dance without you
For once just let me lose myself lose myself
For once let me lose myself
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
No unauthorized reproduction of lyric.
Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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