song lyrics / Thin Lizzy / Spirit Slips Away lyrics  | FRen Français

Spirit Slips Away lyrics

Performer Thin Lizzy

Spirit Slips Away song lyrics by Thin Lizzy official

Spirit Slips Away is a song in English

When the spirit slips away
There's nothing you can do, there's nothing you can say
May the angels be watching over you
When your spirit slips away

When the darkness starts to fall
You're on your own and your back's against the wall
May the angels bring their flame to you
When your spirit slips away

And when the music that makes you blue
Unfolds its secrets, the mysteries are told to you
May the angels sing rejoice to you
That fateful day when your spirit slips away
Lyrics copyright : legal lyrics licensed by Lyricfind.
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Copyright: Universal Music Publishing Group

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